The Influence of Diabetes on Reproductive Capacity The influence of diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2, can affect both male and female fertility. When blood glucose levels are not adequately controlled, there may be a reduction in the likelihood of conception.
In some cases, individuals with diabetes may need to resort to assisted reproductive techniques to achieve their goal of having offspring.
Diabetes and Female Fertility
The reproductive capacity of women may be affected when they have diabetes and their blood glucose levels are not properly managed.
If there is a situation of hyperglycemia, that is, high levels of glucose in the bloodstream, it may not lead to the adequate production of other hormones such as estradiol, progesterone, or testosterone. These hormones are essential for achieving pregnancy. Therefore, if there is an imbalance in hormonal production caused by hyperglycemia, the woman may experience difficulty in getting pregnant.
Furthermore, diabetes is also associated with menstrual irregularities, polycystic ovaries, amenorrhea, or premature menopause, among other conditions.
How does diabetes influence female fertility?
Another issue associated with poorly managed diabetes and female infertility is obesity. Women with a high body mass index (BMI) will have altered levels of leptin, and, as a consequence, it will impact embryo implantation.
Diabetes and Male Fertility
Just as it happens in the case of women, men who suffer from diabetes and do not manage it properly may face complications in their fertility. The quantity and quality of semen tend to decrease in those men with diabetes, as this disease often causes damage to the testicles, which are responsible for the production and maturation of sperm.
Among the main outcomes that diabetes causes in male fertility are:
Genetic Alterations in Sperm DNA: The percentage of spermatic fragmentation in men with diabetes is higher compared to the general population, according to various studies.
Fertilization Failures: Diabetic men are unable to repair the damages to sperm genes, often leading to conception problems.
Premature Aging of Sperm: If there is a high quantity of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the male reproductive system, it will result in high oxidative stress.
Pérez García, L., Barranquero Gómez, M., & Rodríguez Tabernero, L. (2023, 10 febrero). ¿Afecta la diabetes en la fertilidad y en el embarazo? Reproducción Asistida ORG.