The answer is yes. When a man has a vasectomy, he continues to produce sperm, only they can't get out because the path they have to follow to the outside is blocked. Therefore, if we unblock or allow the passage again, in principle, fertility will be recovered and pregnancy would be possible. This procedure to try to restore fertility after vasectomy is what is known as vasectomy reversal or vasovasostomy.
What is vasovasostomy?
This is a surgical procedure that involves re-attaching the ends of the deferent ducts that were blocked during the vasectomy. In this way, sperm is allowed to form part of the ejaculation and, with this, the possibility of natural pregnancy is reopened. Vasovasostomy is a complex surgery that lasts about two hours, although the patient does not feel hurt since it is performed under anesthesia. First of all, we must keep in mind that, even if the reversal procedure is successful, it is not certain that the man can conceive a child naturally. There is some probability that the semen quality is not good or, at least, not good enough to achieve fertilization. On the other hand, there is also the possibility that the vasovasectomy will not be successful, that is, that we will not be able to allow the passage of sperm. Primarily, the success of vasectomy reversal will depend on the way the ducts were sealed, as well as the skill and skill with which the patient was sterilized.
Results of vasovasostomy
The time that has elapsed since the vasectomy has a major influence on the probability of natural pregnancy. The less time has elapsed since the vasectomy, the more likely you are to regain fertility.
Thus, in patients who have had a vasectomy for more than 15 years, the probability of pregnancy after vasosacostomy is low. In contrast, 90% of men with a vasectomy in the last 5 years have regained fertility after reversal.
To check if the operation to reverse the vasectomy has been successful, several serial spermograms need to be done. Thus, we can study whether sperm appear again in the ejaculate. The first spermogram is performed 2-3 months after the operation. From here, the spermogram is repeated every 2-3 months until the sperm count is considered normal or pregnancy is achieved.
Pregnancy is usually achieved within 12 months of the vasectomy reversal. However, sometimes the time may be longer and some fertility treatment may even be needed to achieve paternity.
Other pregnancy options with vasectomy
Although vasovostomy is a possible solution for men who want to become parents after vasectomy, there are other options. Assisted reproduction offers other alternatives to parenting. In our next blog we will talk about them